Tag: #trust

  • Walking In Faith

    God wants to give you the desires of your heart but you must be willing to partner with them by walking in faith and believing that everything is possible. Nothing is being withheld from you but your doubt may be preventing you from receiving your good. Stand up, stand strong, stand proud for all that…

  • Don’t Wait to Be Rescued

    You cannot stand rooted in the darkness praying for a miracle and expect that prayer to be answered. There is no darkness, you’re prayer was already answered. Step up into the light, accept all that is being offered and know that what lies within you is greater than anything that can ever come against you.…

  • It’s Time to Grow and Prosper

    We want you to understand that growth is part of the life journey and that prosperity for all is the end goal. Prosperity can be found anywhere and in any being who has not limited themselves with false belief systems that encourage them to stay small. Prosperity requires courage and the willingness to grow.

  • How To Stop Being A Worrywart

    When you’re operating in the high vibrational love frequency you’ve made yourself available to receive the help and direction you desire. Worry, panic, desperation act as barriers and their low vibrational resonance prevents you from being able to access help from Source. So your best defense against a fear-based opponent is to stay in love…

  • The Role of Conflict

    Remember, you’re never turned away or rejected by God because of your choices but the soul that expands with wisdom comprehends the fullness of the Godhead and enters into the place of peace. The soul that chooses the low vibration of fear as a result of conflict will find that they feel alienated and isolated…

  • How To Pray a Powerful, Heartfelt Prayer

    There’s no need to beg or cajole. God is not withholding anything from you. Simply enter your prayerful state from a place of trust, then speak from your heart and connect with your powerful intention as you end with gratitude for being heard and answered with all that is for your highest good.

  • How To Fully Open Your Heart During the 11-11-11 Gateway Event

    Once you have examined your beliefs and released the grudges, place your entire being into the violet flame. Allow this flame of purity to dismantle any energetic streams that have become entangled or stagnant. This is a time of intense love which encourages wellness on every level: body, mind and spirit. Instead of complaining about…

  • What To Do If the Divine’s Answer Is No Answer or Nothing

    The Divine is not limited nor confined in any way. They need nothing to make something happen for you except your permission. You must agree to the experience and remove all blocks that would prevent manifestation. In other words, there must be a clear, free space for the energy to flow instead of a series…

  • Should I Listen To My Head or My Heart?

    We don’t suggest that you abandon the head. The head can help you figure out how to do things but we do advise you approach the heart first because the heart is the why behind the how that bring meaning to your life.  The heart connects you with everything and allows you to be invincible…

  • How To Accept Change Gracefully

    Relax into the process of growth and change, trust that everything is working together for your highest good and remember to convene with the Divine through the energy of your heart so that you will experience a life of grace and unlimited possibilities.