What To Do If the Divine’s Answer Is No Answer or Nothing

What if the answer is no answer

Dearest hearts when any of you set about putting in a request to the Universe the first thing you want is confirmation. You immediately want to know when you’ll get an answer and if one is not forthcoming immediately then you’re concern is, “Have I been heard? Will I be answered? Did I ask correctly and Have I been good enough to receive an answer?” None of these questions are helpful. None of them build your faith, belief and trust that an answer will be forthcoming and none of them deepen your relationship with the Divine. Instead of asking, “When will God answer or will God answer,” which smacks of desperation and unworthiness, learn to reassure yourself and state matter of factly, “I am certain the answer will be here in Divine timing and that the answer will be for my highest good.” 

When you craft your request don’t ask for the smallest amount, ask for the amount you desire that will bring you joy

Let’s compare the two statements energetically. When and if will contain panic, worry and anxiety. They are made up of the lowest energetic signature. Certainty, in the perfect time and for your highest good, occupy the highest energetic signature of love, joy and peace. The latter allows you to stay in a peaceful place because you know you’re loved and that certainty fills you with joy. We ask that you ask deliberately for what you want. Take time to craft your ideal vision, work with your request until it feels good to you. Allow it to match your ideal scenario. Be specific in naming all the characteristics that you believe are necessary for you to receive maximum benefit. When you craft your request don’t ask for the smallest amount, ask for the amount you desire that will bring you joy. Ask for enough so you can delightfully anticipate its arrival. When you’re delighted that something’s on its way to you, you automatically assign wonderful energy to it and it’s easy to maintain your enthusiasm. If you’ve asked for just enough, it will be easy for you to get distracted by doubt and fear. Once you’ve left your high place of love, joy and peace you’ll have slowed down the manifestation of any gift you desire. It’s just that simple. Expect more, not less. Stay in your high place and be delighted. Now you’ve created an open doorway through which manifestation can flow.

You must agree to the experience and remove all blocks that would prevent manifestation

So what do you do if there’s no answering confirmation, if you’re receiving radio silence from the Divine and your faith is starting to erode? Should you ask again, ask for less or just assume you’re not worthy of receiving? First, you must understand the difference between your way of being and the Divine’s omniscient. You’re restricted to time and place. Things happen for you in a basic sequence and a generally follows b but the Divine is not limited nor confined in any way. They need nothing to make something happen for you except your permission. You must agree to the experience and remove all blocks that would prevent manifestation. In other words, there must be a clear, free space for the energy to flow instead of a series of locked doors or detours. You have free will and you can choose to block your abundance, however, you can also choose to accept it whenever and however it arrives.

If you believe that something is true, it will remain true for you even if there is no supporting evidence

Therefore, do not ask again, plead for an answer, demand, get angry or just give up. When you don’t appear to get an answer you must go deeper. Go within and search your inner self-talk. Ask yourself, “Am I preventing my good from reaching me?” Then check your thinking and belief systems. “Am I holding onto negative thinking or limiting beliefs that are preventing me from, moving forward?” Remember, if you believe that something is true, it will remain true for you even if there is no supporting evidence. Go deep and do the heart work necessary to uncover, clear, heal and replace your false belief system with one that honors yourself and your relationship with the Divine.

When you ask for something you must learn to let it go and stop trying to micro-manage the answer or the time necessary for manifestation

Next, recognize that you cannot know what’s best from your limited perspective so instead of fearful questions, relax into peaceful certainty. If there appears to be no answer or there is no confirmation to help you stand strong you must choose to trust instead of fear. You must stand firm in the understanding that the Divine, when allowed to direct your life, bring forth your highest good. Spend your time instead, being joyfully delighted and building your trust muscle.

The spiritually mature being has no need to fear for they recognize they are loved and they trust that that love is sufficient to bring to them their heart’s desire

If there appears to be no answer or nothing, you could be out ahead of the sequence of events, learn to be patient. You could have turned a blind eye to all of the confirmation and synchronicities that were occurring, you could also be asked to adopt a more mature spiritual mindset and trust that everything was working to your benefit instead of fearing that Source had abandoned you. The spiritually mature being has no need to fear for they recognize they are loved and they trust that that love is sufficient to bring to them their heart’s desire. They’ve done the work to clear their hearts of limiting beliefs and negative thinking and they put all of their energy into staying in the highest energetic plane of love, joy and peace where all manifestation is possible. Stop running after reasons why something can’t or won’t happen and begin living in the place of, of course it can and if it’s for my highest good it will.

Instead of going out to find the answer you go within to find the truth

If the answer appears to be nothing or silence, answer with your own silence. The silence of awareness where instead of going out to find the answer you go within to find the truth. The truth that you’re Divinely loved and supported and everything happens in its time when you allow it to do so.

Ask with certainty and if you need reassurance ask for it from your place of certainty, not desperation

Build your faith muscle, learn to be spiritually mature and do the work to clear your heart space so manifestation is possible. Ask with certainty and if you need reassurance ask for it from your place of certainty, not desperation, “I know you’ve sent confirmation but I didn’t receive or understand the sign, please send me another indicator. I am grateful for your love and assistance.”

Trusting Source equals a life of blissful peace

There’s always an answer but it may not be within your desired time frame or appear to be what you were asking for. Trust in Divine timing and your highest good and be grateful for the infinite wisdom of the Divine. Trusting Source equals a life of blissful peace. Learn to look for and appreciate all of the Divine intervention and guidance you’re receiving. You’ll never doubt again.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at https://www.thehearthealingfoundation.org/workshops-and-classes or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at https://www.thehearthealingfoundation.org/self-help-and-empowerment and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.

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