How To Pray a Powerful, Heartfelt Prayer

How to pray a powerful, heartfelt prayer

Dearest hearts you have become a divided society and thereby you’ve weakened the fabric of your manifestations. If you are to prosper, you must prosper as one body and not as individual units that can exist without the other or without caring for one another. Because each of you is on a journey that’s unique to the individual you cannot walk another’s path for them. Their free will prohibits you from preventing them from exploring the depths of their choices. However, this doesn’t free you from the obligation of loving and being of assistance to one another. This then is where prayer is one of your most valuable assets. Done with right intention, right knowledge and right belief, prayer is stronger than any other force and no weapon formed against you can prosper in the presence of prayer.

If you repeat words without connecting and comprehending them, the prayer becomes an imposed habit or ritual that has no personal meaning

Therefore, let us examine how to pray to get results instead of just repeating words that were written by the hand of another. Although we don’t demand that you abandon conventional prayer we must ask that you stop the droning repetition. When you mumble on and on with words that you’ve memorized but have never connected with, you may be successful in clearing your mind of all thought but you will not feel the lightheartedness that comes from establishing a true connection. Unless you connect fully with the words you utter they will be meaningless to you. You would be just as well served by offering a single syllable or another form of mind entertainment that allows you to go beyond the words to the God center that lies within all. The words of well-loved prayers, if understood, if connected to you and if felt by the heart will take you on a deeper journey within. They will be capable of helping you establish a heart connection and enabling you to feel the weightlessness of joy as you connect fully. But, if you repeat words without connecting and comprehending them, the prayer becomes an imposed habit or ritual that has no personal meaning. It’s nothing more than a bunch of words presented by an outside source that is trying to help you establish a path to God. Even if their intentions are good the effect will be negligible unless you understand and can connect through the utterance of that prayer.

As a singular energetic body, you are powerful beyond measure

As one energetic body, separated into individual physical bodies you view yourselves as powerless in many ways. As a singular energetic body, you are powerful beyond measure. It’s not your power that’s lacking it’s your understanding. We ask that you pray without ceasing for yourselves, for each other, for the world and for the empowerment of all beings. Your success, your neighbor’s success, the world’s success depends on your prayerful offering. Therefore, you must understand how to pray.

I understand I might not know what’s best and I am now choosing to let go of my small, clouded vision and allow God to present the perfect outcome

First, let go of how you want it to be. When you pray, ask for your desired result but then willingly release that result and open your heart to receiving that which is for your highest good. This accomplishes two things. First, it gives your mind a focal point. I now have this desired outcome to focus upon and secondly, I have entrusted the outcome to God. I recognize I cannot see the whole picture, I understand I might not know what’s best and I am now choosing to let go of my small, clouded vision and allow God to present the perfect outcome. Therefore, the first element of a powerful prayer is trust.

An answered prayer will not play favorites, manipulate circumstances to hurt another or cause harm in any way. If these things happen they are not a result of your prayer

You must trust that God has heard you, has answered you and that Universal Intelligence sees more, knows more and hears more than you do. This means that their judgment, the wisdom by which they answer is superior to yours. In addition, their wisdom is steeped in their essence which is unconditional love. An answered prayer will not play favorites, manipulate circumstances to hurt another or cause harm in any way. If these things happen they are not a result of your prayer. You may believe this to be true, you may even tell people that you’ve prayed for their destruction but you would not be telling the truth. You would merely be playing out a fantasy of your own making. Answered prayer doesn’t hurt, harm or manipulate. There may be times when the answer or the circumstances appear to support your false belief but again that would be because you or another party created a false reality in which you receive unloving treatment, feel isolated or abandoned. Your free will allows you to experience alternative realities that support your limiting beliefs. This is not because you’re either unloved or being punished but because you are so loved that you’ve been given the free will to explore any belief system that appeals to you. No matter how far you run from Source, the authentic self, the soul, the you that is you cannot be harmed. You cannot cease to exist or become separated from God. You can, however, create the illusion that you are separate. Remember, this is only an illusion therefore whenever you desire you may return to the loving arms of God where you can feel the unconditional love that never ceased to be.

Unleash the power of your prayers by being focused on what you’re saying, connect through the heart and send your prayer not out into empty air but within you into the light of love, the eternal flame that burns within your heart, the Universal Source that is the Supreme Creator who hears and answers every request with unconditional love

Trust is the first factor in an effective prayer and intent is the second. You must enter into the prayerful state with the intention that you are doing something of great value. You must believe that your prayer makes a difference and that it has purpose and power. If you just mutter a string of words so you can say you’ve prayed, you have no trust and you never intended that your prayer would be impactful. Prayer cannot become powerful unless you allow it to be so. Unleash the power of your prayers by being focused on what you’re saying, connect through the heart and send your prayer not out into empty air but within you into the light of love, the eternal flame that burns within your heart, the Universal Source that is the Supreme Creator who hears and answers every request with unconditional love. This day, pray with intention. Mean what you say and pray from the heart. Recognize your connection to God and all things and pray for the well-being, the upliftment and the empowerment of all. When one of you rises from a place of love, all others who are willing rise with you. No one can be left behind unless they have chosen to remain in the darkness of their own making.

Pray and ask but don’t beg. Ask with certainty and then relax into knowingness and gratitude

You have now learned to trust God and to pray with intention. Now you must pray always and only through the heart with expectation. If you’re going to be receptive to the answer which was formed before you began praying you must pray from a place of expectation. You must pray knowing God is capable of answering and will always answer with unconditional love. Therefore, pray and ask but don’t beg. Ask with certainty and then relax into knowingness and gratitude. When you’re certain something is going to happen you don’t keep asking and asking for it to appear, you simply sit back and relax into a place of thanksgiving. Grateful for the answer that will be exactly what’s best for your highest good even if it’s not what you asked for. Trusting in the love God holds for you, you may ask for confirmation that you’ve been heard but once is sufficient to ask. Gratitude should then replace the desire. Gratitude for being heard. Gratitude for being answered. Gratitude for having that which is for your highest good brought into your life as you surrender to the perfection that will be brought forth on your behalf.

God is not withholding anything from you

There’s no need to beg or cajole. God is not withholding anything from you. Simply enter your prayerful state from a place of trust, then speak from your heart and connect with your powerful intention as you end with gratitude for being heard and answered with all that is for your highest good.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.