The Role of Conflict

the role of conflict

Dear ones before you can understand why certain things that appear hurtful or harmful are allowed in the physical experience, you must first understand the physical realm and the journey that you agreed to prior to entering into a physical body. You didn’t make the decision to have a physical existence because you were forced, coerced, bribed or hoodwinked. No one tricked you into coming into the physical. No one planned what you would experience except you and no one decided when you were ready except you. You made all of these decisions with great enthusiasm. You were willing, ready and ecstatic to begin the journey you’d assigned to yourself. From your vantage point in the energetic realm where there’s no discord, no difference of opinion and nothing to push against or overcome. The possibility of conflict, rapid growth and soul widening experiences seemed ideal. The fact that you have forgotten your pre-birth enthusiasm and excitement doesn’t make your decision to come into the physical any less magical.

Conflict and differences in opinion are still valuable tools

So why does the physical have to contain so many opportunities to overcome? Why is there conflict around every corner and why are the only seeds that ever seem to take root, the seeds of discontent and anger? Why can’t there be peace on earth as there is in heaven with hearts that are filled with unconditional love for yourself and others? We must answer, “You’re getting there. You’re making astounding progress as this mass awakening continues but conflict and differences in opinion are still valuable tools.”

Physical incarnations act as intense, growth accelerators. When you take on the physical form you become limited, you view yourself as separate and you believe you can be cut off from the Divine which causes great fear and trepidation

When you can instantly manifest all of your desires, when you don’t have to lift a finger or do much more than form the thought for your desire to appear, you’re not able to build a solid foundation of faith. After all, why do you need to believe and trust? Everything happens instantly so there’s no room for doubt. You think it, it appears, you’re done but you haven’t gained strength, wisdom or knowledge of the Divine. In other words, you’ve not been asked to grow. In the beginning, when the soul is young, instant manifestation is necessary to accelerate development but after a short period of time, instant manifestation begins to delay or retard development because there’s been no challenge or conflict. The soul isn’t learning benevolence and compassion, it’s learning greed and selfishness. It begins feeling entitled instead of empowered and if left alone it would weaken and wither away. Physical incarnations act as intense, growth accelerators. When you take on the physical form you become limited, you view yourself as separate and you believe you can be cut off from the Divine which causes great fear and trepidation. Believing that you can be cut off from the source of life, you begin your quest. Every soul embarks on their own journey and every experience places knowledge into the collective consciousness but the illusion remains that some won’t make it. Some can be lost, turned away or forgotten. It’s this illusion, this untruth that’s propelling you forward lifetime after lifetime. There is within each soul a desire to be complete, to be one with God. To know God so intimately that no illusion or barrier is possible but until that moment of completion, there remains the fear that you could be turned away or judged unworthy. It’s this belief that forces you to work harder at love. To do everything you’re shown to do to release the pain and the hurt, to become a being of pure, unconditional love so you’ll be considered acceptable to God. While you’re on the quest you’ll encounter conflict. You’ll be hurt and hurt others. You’ll encounter people with opposing beliefs and hardened hearts that feel they’re bastions of a truth you’re just too blind to see. They’ll stretch you, tear you, bruise you and perhaps even defeat you but they cannot end your quest or make you less in the eyes of God.

As they grew in their understanding of the Divine by meeting and overcoming countless obstacles, they made the journey from doubting and questioning, from cynicism and fear to child-like trust and faith with each obstacle

To God, you were and always will be perfect. They view your desire to grow in likeness to them as a worthy goal that will bring fullness to the whole but they never view you as less or unlovable, nor are they capable of withdrawing their love and support from you. The fact that you believe it’s possible is part of the grand illusion that helps you grow. A fully realized being is no longer attached to time. They allow things to come when it’s appropriate and can be endlessly patient because the conflict they experienced while getting to the fully realized state built their faith, helped them quash their doubts and open more fully to trust. As they grew in their understanding of the Divine by meeting and overcoming countless obstacles, they made the journey from doubting and questioning, from cynicism and fear to child-like trust and faith with each obstacle. With every decision to ask for Divine guidance and with every moment of understanding they realized that they were stronger when they worked in concert with rather than opposed to the Divine flow. They learned to wait, to trust, to respect and be grateful for the natural order of the universe. In that period of being challenged, they learned to surrender instead of seeking to subdue others. Rather than seek to dominate the situation through brute strength they learned to rise above the situation with the power of unconditional love. The more they experienced conflict, the more knowledge they were exposed to. The more they tried to apply the knowledge, the more they experienced conflict and as a result, growth, until they allowed that which was not of God to drop away so they could acquire wisdom.

It’s through the conflict and the contrast that you’re able to make the choice to feel good, to be love and to lift each other up

No one can do it in a lifetime. No one can do it without facing conflict and challenges that help them realize what they do and don’t want. No one can become fully realized, and become complete with God when they’re holding themselves in the low vibration of fear. Hatred, shame, blame, resentment cannot be found in the heart of God. Yet, just wishing them away does not bring growth. It’s through the conflict and the contrast that you’re able to make the choice to feel good, to be love and to lift each other up. It’s through conflict that you see the end product of your choices so you can make an informed decision. It’s through conflict that you choose with the heart who you want to be and it’s through conflict that you decide whether you want to contract or expand.

Only those who have opened their hearts to love will successfully make the journey into complete union with the Divine

Remember, you’re never turned away or rejected by God because of your choices but the soul that expands with wisdom comprehends the fullness of the Godhead and enters into the place of peace. The soul that chooses the low vibration of fear as a result of conflict will find that they feel alienated and isolated from the Divine. This distance is an illusion for all are welcome, however, only those who have opened their hearts to love will successfully make the journey into complete union with the Divine


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.