Tag: #powerful creator

  • How To Pray a Powerful, Heartfelt Prayer

    There’s no need to beg or cajole. God is not withholding anything from you. Simply enter your prayerful state from a place of trust, then speak from your heart and connect with your powerful intention as you end with gratitude for being heard and answered with all that is for your highest good.

  • If I Believe…

    By choosing to look at beliefs with a mind that knows it’s a powerful creator, you choose strength. If you hang onto beliefs that no longer serve your highest good simply because they’re familiar, then you’ve chosen victimhood and the hardships that occur when you relinquish your responsibility as a creator. You never stop creating.…

  • How To Accept Change Gracefully

    Relax into the process of growth and change, trust that everything is working together for your highest good and remember to convene with the Divine through the energy of your heart so that you will experience a life of grace and unlimited possibilities.

  • How To Stop Being Triggered By Fear!

    As soon as you, recognize what’s happening, identify why it’s happening and take constructive steps to change your belief system, fear will no longer be able to dominate your energetic field or cause you to take foolish action. You’ll realize you’re powerful and step into your truth as one who has nothing to fear and…

  • You Can’t Get There From Here

    Dear ones, we want you to let go of the way it’s always been, the way you’ve been told it should be and the way you’re certain is the way things should happen. Let go of that old paradigm and begin opening your heart to miracles. When you’ve let go of how it must be,…

  • Starting From Scratch

    Dear ones in the beginning of this journey you call awakening in which you move away from the ego self and into your Divine self, many of you have reported that it feels like your life is falling apart. As though everything you knew to be true about yourself was being stripped away leaving you feeling…

  • Concentrate On Feeling Good!

    Dear ones although the instruction is simple, concentrate on feeling good, we cannot stress enough the benefits this simple practice will give you in return. This is why we must again speak to the simplicity of the spiritual. As you know, what you think about becomes your reality but what so many of you fail…

  • How to Take the Easy Express!

    Dear ones, we see all of you working so hard toiling away at making your lives better. Pushing, pushing always forcing yourselves to be better, stronger and more than you were yesterday and we must ask each one of you, why? Why do you continually live your lives as though you’re in the midst of…

  • What If I Fail?

    Before you began this physical journey, while you were still entirely in the energetic state you assigned for yourself challenges and personality traits as well as a skill set that you would bring forth with you, so that you, dear ones, could accomplish the mission you had assigned to yourself in this lifetime. From your…

  • Dealing with the Shame of PTSD or a Mental Health Disorder

    In the beginning, this will require your constant attention and your laser focus. You must become hyper-aware of the conversation you’re having with yourself and with others about yourself. Your new condition is healthy and vibrant, your new state of being is upbeat and happy and your new way of thinking is that you are…