Concentrate On Feeling Good!

Concentrate on Feeling good

Dear ones although the instruction is simple, concentrate on feeling good, we cannot stress enough the benefits this simple practice will give you in return. This is why we must again speak to the simplicity of the spiritual. As you know, what you think about becomes your reality but what so many of you fail to perceive is that whether you’re thinking about wanted things or you’re reviewing those thoughts or events that are unwanted, all of those thoughts become factored into your reality. The thoughts of what is unwanted are just as powerful as the thoughts of what is wanted. However, the unwanted thoughts steal your joy and ultimately your well-being so you must be the sentry of your own mind and be the host to only that which you desire to become your physical reality. Long before you see evidence of your thoughts as a physical reality they will be making inroads into your peace and your ability to think clearly or make wise decisions. You must begin to look at negativity as a cancer that is silently growing until it has taken over your entire being and has robbed you of the ability to be the powerful creator for good that you have come here to be. Because you are always powerful, you cannot lose your ability to create but you can voluntarily give up your ability to create good in your own life.

Although you may have experienced much hardship, you are not exempt from the responsibility for creating that hardship

At this point, many of you may begin to disagree stating that we have not walked in your shoes or endured what you have endured but we cannot let you continue with this line of thought.  Although you may have experienced much hardship, you are not exempt from the responsibility for creating that hardship. You had to agree to undergo that experience before you would have been able to experience it. Therefore, let us examine the ways in which you form agreements with wanted and unwanted events so you will be able to make conscious decisions about what you do and do not want in your energetic realm.

If those thoughts conjure up images of desperation and fear, then take the time to let them go and replace them with thoughts that bring you a sense of satisfaction, of wholeness and that make you feel good

First, you form many of these agreements as a child. Every child absorbs the limiting belief systems and thinking that is most prevalent in your family and community. However, before you look about and begin casting blame on family members remember that each one was chosen as part of your journey, they were brought into your awareness because you wanted to learn something from them. Now that you’re an adult thinking your own thoughts it’s time for you to review that which you absorbed as a child. If you grew up in a home that focused on scarcity and lack, then examine if that is a belief you want to continue holding on to. How do you feel when you think thoughts such as, “There’s never enough. Someone else will always have more or I must take everything I can get my hands on before someone else gets it.” If these thoughts bring you joy, make you feel relaxed, happy and fulfilled hold them close and repeat them often. You will experience evidence of those thoughts as your physical reality. Conversely, if those thoughts conjure up images of desperation and fear, then take the time to let them go and replace them with thoughts that bring you a sense of satisfaction, of wholeness and that make you feel good.

Nothing can change in your life until you change the way you are viewing your circumstances and withdraw permission for them to exist in their current state

The second way you acquire beliefs and agree to receive is through a painful or traumatic incident. This is either something unexpected that altered your reality or something repeated over a long period of time such as prolonged abuse. In this case, you have either become used to thinking that your way of existence is normal because it happens continuously over a long period of time or you encounter a traumatic event that alters your reality so completely that this new, post-trauma reality becomes your new normal. Again you must challenge yourself to question why you are allowing this reality to continue. If you are unhappy or uncomfortable with your current circumstances you must first change your thoughts about what is acceptable before you will be able to create an outward change in your reality. Nothing can change in your life until you change the way you are viewing your circumstances and withdraw permission for them to exist in their current state. Unless you stop feeding what you don’t want and put all of your energy into feeding what you do want nothing will change. You do not have to allow events to control you, you can control events but you must be deliberate and consistent with your thoughts. That which you practice, repeat and energize becomes your destination.

By engaging in this negative thinking you’re cementing your limiting beliefs and providing yourself no escape route from their prison

The third way you give permission to and claim ownership of unwanted events is to rehearse what’s wrong. By engaging in this negative thinking you’re cementing your limiting beliefs and providing yourself no escape route from their prison. By constantly reviewing and anticipating what has gone wrong and what could go wrong, you put yourself on the treadmill of, “I expect to experience more events that will prove to me that things are always going wrong for me.” If things do go right, you will be unable to celebrate that experience and instead, you’ll be waiting for the other shoe to drop, thereby, fulfilling your prophecy that everything always goes wrong for you. The good thing that happened will be an anomaly and you’ll be certain it cannot happen again because, after all, “Things are never working out for me. I must have bad luck.”

Recognize your power and use it wisely, do not give the power over your life to someone else by thinking of yourself as small and weak

Do not allow yourself to be a prisoner of any of these belief systems. Instead, honor yourself by taking the time to examine your thoughts and discover which of the thoughts that you hold dear are causing you to encounter unpleasant circumstances. Recognize your power and use it wisely, do not give the power over your life to someone else by thinking of yourself as small and weak. Remember, you are always powerful, it’s not your power that has diminished when you think negatively, it’s your wisdom. We ask you to reclaim your wisdom by taking a look at everything that occupies your mind. Examine every conversation you have with yourself and be honest. Ask yourself, “If I continue to think these thoughts or hold these beliefs will I create a life that feels good?” If the answer is no, don’t just throw up your hands and feel sorry for yourself, instead, get busy creating new thoughts that are uplifting, that make you feel good and that will lead you in the direction you want to go.

Let go of the dark, ugly underbelly and hold fast to the beautiful perfection that is really you

Refuse to allow your life to be run by a third party. If you’re experiencing things you don’t like examine the thoughts your thinking and change them. Let go of the dark, ugly underbelly and hold fast to the beautiful perfection that is really you. Know that you deserve good things. Know that you deserve to feel good and get busy focusing on those thoughts and experiences that will give you more to feel good about. You’re just that powerful.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.

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