How to Take the Easy Express!

easy express

Dear ones, we see all of you working so hard toiling away at making your lives better. Pushing, pushing always forcing yourselves to be better, stronger and more than you were yesterday and we must ask each one of you, why? Why do you continually live your lives as though you’re in the midst of battle? Why do you always push against obstacles and try to force situations to surrender to your will? We understand that the teaching prevalent in the world today is that nothing of great merit can be achieved without great effort being put forward but we are here to expose this lie. This does not mean that we advocate that each one of you begin to sit idly by but it does mean that we support you in working smarter and in harmony with the forces available instead of at cross purposes.

You recognize yourself as a powerful creator then you will come to the realization that what you have in your life is a product of what you’ve been thinking and the actions you’ve taken based on those thoughts, then you would understand that you could change your reality by changing your thinking

Let us explain! You always have the option of living your life in one of two ways. The first is to believe that you are bound by circumstances outside of your control and that you must always be prepared to be one step ahead of impending doom. When you live this way you’re relying on your wits and your intelligence to move you from where you are to where you want to be. You’re in competition with everything and everyone outside of yourself and you live your life feeling always a little unsafe or unsure, constantly looking over your shoulder to examine where the other guy is so you can measure how much of a threat they pose to your way of life. If on the other hand, you recognize yourself as a powerful creator then you will come to the realization that what you have in your life is a product of what you’ve been thinking and the actions you’ve taken based on those thoughts, then you would understand that you could change your reality by changing your thinking. You would feel much safer and less threatened because your reality would not be based on how hard you were working or what the other person was doing but on the quality of your thoughts. You would be open to relationships that expand your knowledge and your perspective because you understood that the more cooperative you became the more opportunity there would be for you to gain from the collective knowledge pools. The more you understood the workings of the universe the more you would be capable of making self-empowering decisions. When you enabled yourself to be self-empowered instead of driven by fear you would open a doorway for others to become self-empowered instead of driven by fear. By recognizing that as you grew others would grow and help to further empower you, you would be motivated by cooperation instead of greed and automatically surrounded by like-minded people who wanted to see you succeed.

The work that you do when you are on the easy express is more important than the work you may be doing to provide your current daily bread but few of you are actively pursuing this work

The second way of being and thinking is the easy way which we want to explore today but in order to be comfortable with easy, you must be willing to give up the old ways of pushing against something to move ahead. When you allow life to flow, to unfold easily, you have connected with Source and you have made yourself available for Divine inspiration. You do not think with the, me against them, mindset because you see the world as one. The work that you do when you are on the easy express is more important than the work you may be doing to provide your current daily bread but few of you are actively pursuing this work. Too many of you are caught up in the belief that your hard physical labor or your commitment of long hours are necessary for you to live a successful life. Instead of pushing the boulder up the hill by looking for obstacles to overcome we suggest that you put that effort into understanding the laws which govern the energetic realm. In the beginning, while this is still new and you have a foot in both camps, it will feel as though you are indeed rolling a boulder up the hill but if you continue to learn and you then apply what you learn you’ll see things begin to shift. You will be looking for your desired outcome instead of the disastrous one, you’ll be saving for a sunny day instead of a rainy one and you’ll be more in tune with your life and more optimistic because of your alignment.

Write down how having this thing will positively impact your life and speed up the manifestation process the easy way by making time each day to get into the owning space of that manifestation

To get onto the easy express you must change your expectation. Instead of looking for others to either make or break you, commit instead to taking responsibility for your own life and your own choices. Recognize yourself as powerful instead of giving that power away to someone else. When you begin formulating a thought about what you would like your life to look like make sure that you think those thoughts through. Why do you want to receive this, what do you hope to achieve, how will it benefit you? Be thoughtful with the requests you make to the universe, spend time on what you’re creating and connect with Source to ask for guidance and help in first identifying and then in moving your desire forward. Once you have made your thoughtful request continue to energize its manifestation by thinking and feeling how wonderful it will feel to have brought this experience into your life. Make this an easy experiment by making a written list of all of the positive qualities about this thing you are manifesting. Write down how having this thing will positively impact your life and speed up the manifestation process the easy way by making time each day to get into the owning space of that manifestation. Do not be vague in your description, instead, take the time, in the beginning, to fully flesh out your dream, commit it to paper and then easily energize it by reading it over throughout your day. The hard way is to create some vague dream that you have no attachment to and that you remember to energize every once in a while. The easy way is to create a detailed picture of your desire, understand why it’s important to you and then commit it to paper so you can easily energize it throughout your day. When you put your focus on your desire it gains momentum. Now bring it home by recognizing that Source has wisdom you lack and ask to receive this desire or something better, whatever is in accordance with your highest good.

Manifestation was designed to be easy

Let it be easy, manifestation was designed to be easy. If it’s difficult, go back to the drawing board and let go of any resistance you may have to allowing your life to be easy.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.