Tag: #grateful

  • How To Get The Most Out Of 2021!

    Being present to the good will not make you vulnerable to the bad. No, it will make you invincible and invulnerable. That which may have caused you pain will seem insignificant from this higher perspective. Instead of a place of pain you will now occupy the place of flow. The place of unconditional love where…

  • How To Receive the 11/11 Gateway Activation

    When you allow your stilled mind to give way to the love and acceptance of the heart, you’ve entered the heart of God. This connection will never fail you and can never leave you. As you open to receive, you become more and you will expand more, this is the work of your soul. Let…

  • Manifesting From The Heart

    You are the master of your life, you hold the keys to your success. No one can take that from you but you can give it away through your fear and negativity. Give yourself the greatest opportunity for success by clearing and healing your heart of all hurt and pain. Then with gratitude for all…

  • How You Can Be Happy Right Now

    In this moment of now. In this space that can only be occupied in the present is where your life is happening. Being present and grateful for all that is yours in every moment of presence will enable you to live instead of exist and to honor all of your life experiences. When you live…

  • Gratitude Guarantees Success

    Don’t try to trick universal law by expressing gratitude for something you despise. You must begin thinking of your energy system as an iceberg. When you look at an iceberg all of you are capable of seeing the part that protrudes from the water. But only those with equipment capable of looking under the surface…

  • How To Deal with Overwhelm

    As much as you’d like to believe that you’re feeling overwhelmed because someone or something is doing something to make you feel this way, that’s simply not true. You’re feeling overwhelmed because you’re reacting to or being triggered by what’s happening. In other words, it’s all on you. You’re the determining factor and the other…

  • How To Let Go Of Guilt

    Step into your fullness by letting go of guilt and replacing its negativity with the high vibrational energy of love, joy and peace. Know guilt for what it is and forgive but do not make it something it’s not and allow it to be a millstone around your neck. Live free, live in joy and…

  • How To Ask For and Receive Help From The Divine

    Your willingness to let go of the, “I know better attitude,” and adopt the, “I accept my highest good attitude,” determines the depth to which you may fall or the height to which you may rise.

  • Cultivate the Habit of Gratitude For a Life In the Miracle Zone

    Gratitude, finding something within everything and everyone, for which you’re delightedly thankful opens you up to a state of peace that guarantees your freedom. Instead of being enslaved by what is, you transcend it with gratitude and open to receiving peace as well as strength so you’re truly able to be deeply grateful for your…

  • How To Accept Change Gracefully

    Relax into the process of growth and change, trust that everything is working together for your highest good and remember to convene with the Divine through the energy of your heart so that you will experience a life of grace and unlimited possibilities.