Tag: #grateful

  • How to Change Your Identity from Fear, Worry and Anxiety to Love, Joy and Peace

    Our dearest hearts we see how hard each one of you is working to try to stay in balance, how much you’re yearning for the way of peace and how difficult it has become for so many of you to simply let go of past conditioning and trust. Therefore, we want to offer this simple…

  • The Goodness of Gratitude!

    Dear ones in a world that appears to have become overrun with disasters it’s important to look at what you’ve already accomplished and what you’re in the process of creating. When you engage in the act of giving thanks as opposed to the complaint, that’s it’s not enough, you align yourself with Source and begin…

  • The Solution Won’t Be Revealed by Complaining!

    Dear ones by stating the obvious, that the habit of complaining will not bring you to a place of peace or to a solution, we hope not to enrage you but to stimulate your thought processes because there is a proper use for everything. Yes, everything can be made beneficial if used appropriately, therefore, we…

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Manifesting

    When something is strongly felt, repeated over and over again or deeply feared the mind latches on to it as, “More of this please!” unless and until it is directed into a more productive pathway. Always remember that you are the creator, you are not the mind’s slave. You should not be doing what the…

  • The Secret to Manifesting With the Law of Attraction

    You’re not an innocent victim being pummeled by the law. You’re a powerful creator with the ability to create whatever you desire, however, to create what you do want you must focus exclusively on your desired goal, get excited that you’re already there and most importantly stop moaning about what’s wrong. Nothing will be wrong,…

  • Angelic Answers for Everyday Issues

    There is never a reason that’s too small and there is never a challenge that’s too big for the angels to be of assistance. Call upon the angels every minute of the day or whenever they come to mind and you’ll begin enjoying smoother sailing as you go throughout your day to day activities.

  • Manifestation Made Easy

    Therefore, hang on. In the beginning, refuse to be thwarted, refuse to be discouraged and with consistent effort, applied over a long enough period of time you’ll reach critical mass and the prosperity you so desire to manifest will begin flowing to you effortlessly. It’s the law!

  • How Can I Keep a Grateful Heart in an Unloving World?

    Remember, this is a choice, it’s always a choice. No one and nothing can control you, take anything from you or alter your life experience in any way unless you agree on some level, either conscious or unconscious. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the thoughts you are thinking. Stop walking around feeling…

  • What is the Purpose of a Spiritual Test?

    Ahhh! Dear ones how you love to pick at certain words and then act as though they have far more value and meaning than others. Take for example this word test, as you use it here, it means having the potential to pass or fail. It carries great weight and decides your future and it’s…