Gratitude Guarantees Success

gratitude guarnatees success

Dearest hearts we’ve made quite a bold statement with this title but we assure you that we mean what we say. We may make light-hearted jokes and encourage you to look on the bright side but we never say something or make a claim we can’t substantiate. We have no ego driving us to fame or riding our back trying to fill us with shame. We are only the energy of the God-force, unconditional love. Therefore, when we make a statement, it’s a factual truth that’s in line with universal law. So, we guarantee that gratitude from the heart will bring you unlimited success.

Success doesn’t mean you always get everything you want, success means you receive and experience everything that would bring you the most opportunities to grow and experience well-being on every level

Yet, before we teach you an effective way to practice gratitude, we desire to define success. Success is the feeling of well-being. The feeling of joy, of overflowing with love for yourself and others as well as peace and certainty. As a successful being, you would exist in a place of tranquility, in which you would be certain that everything was always working out for you in the way that supported your highest good. In other words, success doesn’t mean you always get everything you want, success means you receive and experience everything that would bring you the most opportunities to grow and experience well-being on every level. Notice that we did not suggest that success was related to wealth, health, influence, status or power although you may choose to attain all of those things. However, you may also choose to live quietly in seclusion and still be seen as successful if you have attained a state of well-being. The ego requires social standing, trappings and attributes before it calls itself successful but the authentic self, the spirit that is you, only desires the state of well-being to be content. Contentment is the reason why we can assure that gratitude brings success.

Energetic output is like an iceberg, its effects can be felt whether you can see them or not. 

Now let us focus on the practice of gratitude that will help you achieve a contented state of well-being no matter what events are transpiring in your life. First, understand that gratitude, showing appreciation and saying thank you must come from a place of sincerity. Don’t try to trick universal law by expressing gratitude for something you despise. You must begin thinking of your energy system as an iceberg. When you look at an iceberg all of you are capable of seeing the part that protrudes from the water. But only those with equipment capable of looking under the surface of the water will be able to see the extensive ice mass that is under the water. Yet, every single one of you will feel the effects of colliding with that iceberg whether or not you could see under the water. Energetic output is like an iceberg, its effects can be felt whether you can see them or not. 

Choose to be delighted by and appreciative of all that you can be sincerely grateful for

You may be saying, “Thank you,” with your words and trying to show appreciation with a smile but it will ring false and do only harm if you’ve disconnected the words from your heart. The energetic field is made up of your conscious, subconscious and unconscious being. If you’re pretending to be grateful while you’re holding resentment in your heart, you may achieve some forward motion while you’re focused and present. Unfortunately, most of the time your attention has wandered, your focus has relaxed and you’re just allowing whatever comes into your brain to permeate your mind. Unless you have cleared your mind of limiting beliefs and negative thoughts and then cleared the heart of past pain and trauma, when the subconscious takes over as your thinking mechanism, you’re going to be focused on and attracting to yourselves, all that you don’t want. Therefore, the first component of a successful gratitude practice is to choose to be delighted by and appreciative of all that you can be sincerely grateful for.

Do everything you can to stay Divinely aligned and success will flow to you in waves of ease and grace

To prepare to find those things take a moment to go within to your heart center. Place your hand (s) and your attention over the energetic heart, located in the middle of your breastbone, and bring things to mind that you love. When you feel the energy of the heart begin to tingle, expand or lighten you know you’re sincerely grateful for this particular thing on every level. Don’t be tempted to skip this exercise because of its simplicity. Instead, embrace it and use it often so that you’ll be certain your being sincere and not falling for any of the smoke screens offered up by the ego. Do everything you can to stay Divinely aligned and success will flow to you in waves of ease and grace.

We advise a daily gratitude period during which you deliberately call to mind that which you can be sincerely grateful for

Once you know what sincere gratitude feels like to you, create dedicated practice periods. Just as we advise a daily meditation practice in which you allow yourself to be content just to be, now we advise a daily gratitude period during which you deliberately call to mind that which you can be sincerely grateful for. Place your hand (s) over the energetic heart center and say out loud all that you’re grateful for. Feel it in your heart, say it with a joyous tone and expression and allow delight for the bounty which you possess to wash over you, to uplift you and cause you to expand energetically. Once you have become proficient at this exercise share it with others and form gratitude circles that will act as powerful magnifiers of the good upon which you are focused.

Given that the subconscious is running the show when you stop paying attention your best defense against attracting unwanted events is a subconscious mind that’s focused on gratitude

This identification of and then practice with that which you find uplifting will be also assisting you in an additional way. When you spend time in deliberate focus, you reinforce that thought or belief more quickly and you anchor it into the subconscious mind more solidly. Given that the subconscious is running the show when you stop paying attention your best defense against attracting unwanted events is a subconscious mind that’s focused on gratitude.

Bring the image and feeling of the desire into the heart center and allow the gratitude and well-being you’ve previously generated to wrap around the desire

Now that you’re focusing with gratitude on what you already have, take this energetic exercise a step further. This time think about something you’d like to receive. Bring the image and feeling of the desire into the heart center and allow the gratitude and well-being you’ve previously generated to wrap around the desire. Now allow the desire to fill with the resonance of heartfelt gratitude until every particle has become drenched with the energy of gratefulness. Allow this energy to continue to pour over and into your desire until it’s spilling forth and then take this abundant well-beingness, this energy of success and allow it to permeate your entire being. Once all of your selves are full, grant permission for the overflow to expand beyond the selves and out into the auric field where it will act as a lighthouse to draw unto itself more for you to be grateful for.

Gratitude as the foundation of your being guarantees success

Gratitude comes from a place of great certainty. It’s found in the highest vibration and creates Divine alignment. Gratitude as the foundation of your being guarantees success.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.