How To Defeat the Demon of Fear

Defeat the demon of fear

Dear ones as the planetary ascension continues and the outpouring of upgraded, higher energy increases most of you are feeling the effects. Some of these things you can put into words that describe what you’re experiencing physically, emotionally or intellectually even though you’ve entered into a previously unknown energetic system but the spiritual upgrades you’re experiencing may have left you feeling bewildered. The stomach ache may go away, the emotional tension you feel may lessen, even the dark thoughts you’re thinking will eventually subside as new thoughts come to take their place but the spiritual continues to elude and that which appears to be ever changing and unsubstantial brings with it the energy of fear. What is this thing that’s happening to me? Why do I feel so unmoored and where do I go to find the answers so I can get my life sorted out again? With so much upheaval there always comes fear. When everything is an unknown the lack of certainty translates into fear.

We want you to allow fear to do the job it was designed to do, instead of trying to protect you from accomplishments

As you know fear has a purpose. When you’re facing a physical threat or you’re experiencing danger, you must react quickly to keep yourselves safe. Fear becomes that motivator. When you feel the rush of fear, you receive a burst of adrenaline so you can move faster and place yourself out of danger. We want you to allow fear to do the job it was designed to do, instead of trying to protect you from accomplishments. Over the course of time, fear has been transformed by the human mind from something useful to keep you safe from harm to something harmful that may prevent you from taking a first step into the unknown.

Fear is doing the job it was assigned by the Creator but it’s you who have warped the concept of fear into something bigger than it was ever meant to be as you began assigning to yourselves smaller and smaller roles, less to be responsible for and fewer ways to feel worthy

It’s not fear’s fault. We understand that you all feel more comfortable when there’s an enemy, someone or something you can blame for your perceived failures or avoidance but it’s not fear’s fault. Fear is doing the job it was assigned by the Creator but it’s you who have warped the concept of fear into something bigger than it was ever meant to be as you began assigning to yourselves smaller and smaller roles, less to be responsible for and fewer ways to feel worthy. Society made every attempt to annihilate itself by raising a few and trying to enslave the others. Fear was the handmaiden they employed and until you understand how to use fear properly, you will continue to cower in fear.

Instead of using fear as your motivator and allowing it to propel you toward a solution, you’re using it as an excuse and allowing it to be the reason why you accomplish nothing

Therefore, let’s look at what fear can and cannot do for you and then help you learn how to use fear as your helper instead of as your ruler. Yes, fear can be used to your benefit but you must understand it’s purpose in the spiritual as opposed to its obvious purpose in the physical which is to protect you from danger. Applying a physical response to a spiritual problem will not solve the problem but it will lead you deeper into the darkness. You must stop interpreting the fear you feel as a threat to your physical survival when there’s no immediate danger. If you’ve placed yourself in physical peril, move out of the way, take judicious action and alleviate the immediate danger but this is not constructive when the danger is emotional or spiritual in nature. We combine these two states for this example because, in this case, you’ve not as yet learned to separate the two. Therefore, when you perceive that there may be a threat in the distant future you immediately go into fear mode wanting to shut down and protect yourself from this thing that may or may not be coming to greet you. We want you to stop acting in anticipation of what may be coming or reacting to what happened in the past. Stop allowing your past programming, those events that occurred in which you didn’t successfully navigate the terrain, from acting as your yardstick moving forward. The anticipation of it is causing you to become paralyzed with fear. Instead of using fear as your motivator and allowing it to propel you toward a solution, you’re using it as an excuse and allowing it to be the reason why you accomplish nothing. The problem lies not in the fact that you’re facing an unknown but in the fact that you’re allowing your fear of the unknown to immobilize you.

Now get busy taking an action toward a loving resolution from where you are using only what you already have

Today, when fear threatens to derail you from your current place in the present with its threat about what may occur in the future, it’s time to use that energy in a way that profits you. Stop, take a few minutes to breathe through the cascade of thoughts that are tumbling through your mind and ask yourself, “Am I in immediate danger?” If the answer is yes, move. However, we know the answer will more often be, “I could be at some point in the future.” Once you’ve assessed that there’s no immediate threat, take the energy that has been generated by the fear and put it to use. Say to yourself, “If I do nothing I will encounter the thing I fear, therefore, I must do something to prevent this fear from being made manifest.” The emotional body may want to feel helpless, set it aside. Access the spiritual body that knows there is always something you can do. Now get busy taking an action toward a loving resolution from where you are using only what you already have. This is most important, you must do something with what you already possess if you’re to defeat the demon of fear represented by the feeling of helplessness.

“I, as a powerful spiritual being, am bigger than anything that will ever come against me.”

There’s always something that can be done and with this certainty, we present the following solutions. Begin by changing the way you’re thinking about the situation. Instead of this is bigger than I am, state the truth, “I, as a powerful spiritual being, am bigger than anything that will ever come against me.” Once you’ve entered the right mind space and are calm enough to proceed, go into the heart. If you cannot calm to the point of a meditative state, begin a physical activity that will burn off the excess energy and engage in that activity until you feel calm. Once calm, get into the energetic heart space and examine whatever past associations you have that are creating or egging on the fear. Clear yourself of these limiting beliefs, release yourself from their energy and refuse to entertain their presence. Once you’ve cleared the heart space and your mind has asserted your superiority over the problem that may be forthcoming, get out pen and paper and begin writing down everything you could do to solve the problem. Don’t contain your action list to the possible or probable just keep writing. Once you’ve generated the list, set it aside and tell yourself, “I am now setting aside this problem. I am bigger than the problem. It’s no longer active energetically and I have many possible solutions.” As you go about your day refer to this list and see if you feel called to act on any of the solutions, as you remind yourself of your superiority over the problem.

Your spiritual superiority enables you to proceed fearlessly

Take action as you feel guided with the understanding that fear should be a motivating factor and not your slave master. Your spiritual superiority enables you to proceed fearlessly. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain because there is a solution to every problem.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.