How Can I Keep a Grateful Heart in an Unloving World?


Dear ones, by asking how you can maintain a heart filled with love when there is pain all around you, you’re stating that the world is the creator and keeper of your thoughts and therefore your well-being. Although this may be true for some, we ask that you remember that you are in this world in a physical state, but you are not confined to that physical body or to the earth which you now inhabit. The greatest part of you is and will always be in the energetic state. As energy, you have the freedom to choose your reality, as energy, you have complete control over the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. No one and nothing has power over your life except you unless you give that power away by not practicing mindfulness.

Thoughts that repeat and cause emotion are the manifesting thoughts

Remember, this is a choice, it’s always a choice. No one and nothing can control you, take anything from you or alter your life experience in any way unless you agree on some level, either conscious or unconscious. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the thoughts you are thinking. Stop walking around feeling powerless and start paying attention to those thoughts that reoccur. Grab hold of those thoughts which have emotion attached to them and examine them for what they are. Thoughts that repeat and cause emotion are the manifesting thoughts. Pay close attention to them because in them lies your power. You will receive the experience that matches those thoughts. Absolutely, guaranteed because the law of attraction says that the thoughts which you both think and feel are the ones which will come forth into your life.

You must be diligent with your thoughts and get out of the “What if something bad happens” mindset and into “Everything is always working out for my highest good” mindset

So get to work and begin examining those thoughts which you never paid attention to before. When you hold a thought for a mere 17 seconds you will begin to attract another similar thought which is slightly grander than the first. Hold that thought for an additional 17 seconds and another thought of even more grandeur will follow. It’s a bit like the coupling of train cars and just like the freight train your thoughts may be slow leaving the station but once you’ve collected enough of them about any given situation they’ll be hard to stop becoming manifest in your life. Therefore, you must be diligent with your thoughts and get out of the “What if something bad happens” mindset and into “Everything is always working out for my highest good” mindset. You have the choice for you are the supreme creator of your life. Will you create out of fear and/or default or will you create out of love for yourself and trust in the Creator that when you come from a place of love you will receive love.

In this way, your spiritual self cannot stay a child and foist responsibility for their experiences onto the Creator, their fellow journeyers or on the circumstances of the world

This does not mean that you’ll never be challenged, this does not mean you’ll never have obstacles to overcome but it does mean that no matter what you encounter you’ll be able to get the best out of the situation and propel yourself forward. You’re living in a growth-oriented existence, the baby cannot stay a baby but must grow to be an adult, it is the cycle of life. In this way, your spiritual self cannot stay a child and foist responsibility for their experiences onto the Creator, their fellow journeyers or on the circumstances of the world. This life was designed to provide growth opportunities. You came into existence to further your understanding of the spiritual principles so that you could more closely resemble your Creator in word, thought and deed. You do not have the option to change the rules now that you’re here and try to stay hidden in the guise of a child.

When things appear to be going badly it is encouragement from the universe to become aware of your thoughts and to change them from a fear-based perspective to a love-based inclusion

Every day spirit will come knocking on your door with another opportunity for you to grow in wisdom. If you’re wise and you’ve learned that you have control of your thoughts, you’ll find the path is fairly smooth. However, if you pout as a child and become angry that you’re being asked to grow you’ll soon discover that your circumstances deteriorate quickly. This is not punishment, this is incentive. No matter your level of awareness you are the creator of your life. When things appear to be going badly it is encouragement from the universe to become aware of your thoughts and to change them from a fear-based perspective to a love-based inclusion.

Just remember that as you choose, so you shall become, so if you want more to be grateful for, be grateful for that which surrounds you now

You may not complain about an unloving world if you are unloving. You may not complain about an ungrateful people when you are ungrateful because you’re a part of the problem. If you want to change the world, change your thoughts. Instead of finding fault and cowering in fear asking, “What’s next?” Open your heart wide, think thoughts of love, joy and expansion and get into an attitude of positive expectation. Look for and draw attention to the kindness that you see all around you and dwell on that. Look with a grateful heart upon all that is good and share that gratitude with yourself and others. You are not owned by the world, you have free will and you may choose to be anyone you want to be. Just remember that as you choose, so you shall become, so if you want more to be grateful for, be grateful for that which surrounds you now. There is no circumstance that does not contain a seed of abundance, joy and love but you have to look for it if you are to find it.

The dark cannot stand against the light, a lie cannot stand against the truth and fear cannot stand against love

Don’t waste your time looking at another person’s circumstance with judgmental eyes. You can never fully step into their shoes or understand their life plan so don’t waste your energy on these pursuits. Instead, focus all of your energy on making your life an example of love in action. Think the loving thoughts, say the loving words and perform the loving actions for yourself and others and then you’ll become a beacon of hope and light for the world. As you shine brightly you’ll illuminate all darkness around you and you’ll become the way-shower for others. Shine your brightest, love your deepest and never give up your power. Keep control of your thoughts, insist on only seeing the best possible outcome and then be that blessing the world is crying out for. Be the love that the world seeks, not because you’re fearfully battling the darkness but because you’re bravely and lovingly shining your light until there is no more darkness. The dark cannot stand against the light, a lie cannot stand against the truth and fear cannot stand against love.

You can change the world by being a beacon of joy, love and purity

Yes, you can change the world but not through fear-based battles. You can change the world by being a beacon of joy, love and purity. Accepting of all, judging of none and by always choosing the highest and best thought.

You’ll find a world overflowing with love and unlimited possibilities

Become that grateful heart and you’ll find a world overflowing with love and unlimited possibilities.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, metaphysical minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the My Heart’s Desire Spiritual Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.

2 responses to “How Can I Keep a Grateful Heart in an Unloving World?”

  1. Thank you for this beautiful article. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Your writings are always right on time for me. Thank you yet again.
    Love Laura Flavell


    • Dearest Laura: I am delighted that this writing helped you. Reaching out to all with valuable information is my deepest desire. If you would like additional help I offer a free twenty minute Discovery session during which you can ask all of your questions and determine if I am the right person to help you reach your goals. Just send me an email at to schedule your free session. Much love and a lot of hugs, Marcia


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