Tag: #darkness

  • Don’t Wait to Be Rescued

    You cannot stand rooted in the darkness praying for a miracle and expect that prayer to be answered. There is no darkness, you’re prayer was already answered. Step up into the light, accept all that is being offered and know that what lies within you is greater than anything that can ever come against you.…

  • What Was I Thinking?

    Was yesterday’s behavior acceptable, probably not by today’s standards but you’re not in yesterday. When you continue to criticize yourself for every misstep you take the momentum out of today and you deny yourself and opportunity for joy in this moment. Yes, we advise that you review attitudes, beliefs and behaviors on a regular basis…

  • How To Stop Swimming Upstream

    You’ll never be able to attract what you do want by looking at everything that’s wrong, that’s unwanted or that causes you to feel afraid. But you’ll never attract what’s unwanted by looking at what’s right. You’re safe, you’ll prosper and you’ll stay aligned with your highest good when you commit to filling your being…

  • Why Loving Yourself Just Isn’t Enough

    Allow the heart, which has experienced the pain and then stored the memory of that pain as a way to protect you, to become free by releasing all vestiges of the experience. Love yourself so deeply and forgive yourself so completely that nothing is standing between you and your Creator. Love yourself wide open so…

  • How To Free Yourself From Self-Abuse

    We cannot but advise, that you choose to be willing to do whatever it takes to change your self-perception from one of abuse to one of acceptance. It’s imperative that you learn to love and accept every part of yourself. Your Creator sees you as perfect, how can you see yourself as any less? Take…

  • Loving the Unlovable

    You who recognize that none are separate must use this knowledge to pour forth love unto the world. When you enter your sanctuary connect first at the deepest level with Creator – feel the Creator in every aspect of your being. Become so filled with love that you have not one space left that could…

  • Your Thoughts Hold the Power

    We repeat that it’s up to you to keep a firm hand on your thoughts and to keep at this practice until you see positive changes occurring in your life. You’ve practiced negativity now you must apply the same amount of energy to transforming what you have allowed. Be diligent, be determined and look at…

  • How Can I Protect Myself and My Loved Ones From These Chaos Energies?

    Go forward with your hearts wide open, blazing forth like a furnace and keep your eyes on Creator who is your source of strength, but do not move forward as though you’re going into battle, move forward as though your only purpose is to spread love, because it is. There is no battle, there is…